The Nature of Coronaviruses
 奥山直美 How to Cure Coronaviruses How to Cure COVID-19 Go to Japanese (日本語はこちら)

  Around the world, Don Quijotes and Rocinantes are fighting stupid battles with windmill monsters.
 Rocinantes seal Sancho's mouth, he says "They are just windmills." Don Quixotes are fighting without knowing the identity of the monster.
 It is a terribly stupid tragedy, because the experts are too stupid.

    The Nature of Coronaviruses

Only RNases extinguish the coronaviruses.
A logical explanation for RNases to cure coronavirus colds.

 A. m-RNA

1. Coronaviruses are essentially m-RNAs. (known)
It is the same for both the conventional coronavirus and the new coronavirus. (known)
2. Among RNAs that are structurally unstable, the m-RNA is particularly unstable and easily broken. (known)
3. When the coronavirus adheres to a cell, its m-RNA is released into the cell. The m-RNA becomes naked. (known)

  B. RNase

1. RNases easily break unstable m-RNAs. (known)
2. In cells of the body, RNases break down the m-RNA of the invasion coronaviruses.That is the principal mechanism by which the body cures a corona cold.

  C. Temperature and coronaviruses

1. The activity of RNases increases significantly with temperature. (known)
2. Coronaviruses infect first mainly cells of the nasopharynx where the temperature is low due to inspiration air in winter.
3. When the cell temperature is high, the activity of RNase increases, so even if coronaviruses invade a human nasopharynx cell, they will be broken. (in summer)
4. When the cell temperature is low, the activity of RNase decreases, so the coronaviruses can infect and multiply. (in winter)
5. When the coronaviruses have sufficiently propagated in the nasopharynx, they are carried by cold inspiration to the second coldest lungs and begin to multiply.
6. Even if coronaviruses flow through the bloodstream and infect warmer cells, those will be broken.

  D. Number of coronaviruses and number of RNases

1. If the number of coronaviruses is large in a cell, RNases cannot completely break the viruses. (Even in summer)
2. Even if the number of coronaviruses is large in a cell, the virus can be completely broken if the number of RNases is large.
3. Children are less likely to be infected with coronaviruses because of the large number of RNases and slightly higher body temperature, and older people are more likely to be infected with coronaviruses because they have a lower number of RNases and slightly lower body temperature.
4. Shorter coronavirus m-RNA length will increase proliferation
5. Higher body temperature is required to extinguish the highly proliferative coronavirus.
6. If the number of coronaviruses is high in a cell, they surpass the activity of RNases. And excessive coronaviruses damage cells.
7. The highly proliferative coronaviruses can infect the nasopharynx, which has a higher temperature. They can also infect other higher temperature cells.
8. Under certain conditions, the high number of coronaviruses in the cell allows repeated infections between infected cells in the nasopharynx. Therefore, coronaviruses can survive the summer in the cells of the nasopharynx, harmlessly for the cells. Within those cells, the number of coronaviruses and the activity of RNases are
narrowly balanced.
9. The viruses over the summer begin the next winter epidemic.

  E. The treatment for coronavirus infections

1. We just raise our body temperature safely in some safe ways.
2. Japanese bathes are the ideal treatment apparatus for coronaviruses. But they are not all.
3. Warm clothes and warm beds are also effective, especially in the early stage.
4. Against coronaviruses, which are more proliferative than conventional coronaviruses, it is necessary to increase the time to raise body temperature.
5. If the temperature of the air above 38 °C continues for several days, the surviving coronaviruses in the nasopharynx may disappear.
6. The reason why the COVID does not become serious in Japan is that there are Japanese style bathes. People are curing the coronavirus infections without knowing.

 Okuyama Naomi Naomi Okuyama 奥山直美 Return to Okuyama Eye Clinic Home

The Nature of Coronaviruses
 奥山直美 How to Cure Coronavirus Colds How to Cure COVID-19

 世界中で、ドン キホーテとロシナンテが風車の怪物と愚かな戦いを続けています。
 「それはただの風車だよ」と言うサンチョの口を、ロシナンテが封じています。 ドン キホーテは怪物の正体を知らずに戦っているのです。とても愚かな悲劇です。専門家が愚かすぎるからです。



A. m-RNA

1.コロナウイルスは本質的にm-RNAである。 (既知)
これは、従来のコロナウイルスと新型コロナウイルスの両方で同じ。 (既知)
2.構造的に不安定なRNAの中で、m-RNAは特に不安定で壊れやすい。 (既知)
3.コロナウイルスが細胞に付着すると、そのm-RNAが細胞内に放出される。 m-RNAはむき出しになる。 (既知)

B. RNase

1.RNaseは構造的に不安定なm-RNAを簡単に破壊する。 (既知)


1.RNaseの活性は温度とともに著しく増加する。 (既知)
3.細胞の温度が高いと、RNaseの活性が高まるため、コロナウイルスがヒトの鼻咽頭細胞に侵入しても破壊される。 (夏に)
4.細胞の温度が低いと、RNaseの活性が低下するため、コロナウイルスが感染して増殖できる。 (冬に)


1.細胞内のコロナウイルスの数が多い場合、RNaseはウイルスを完全に破壊することができない。 (夏でも)
3. RNaseの数が多く、体温がわずかに高いため、子供はコロナウイルスに感染しにくく、高齢者はRNaseの数が少なく、体温がわずかに低いため、コロナウイルスに感染しやすい。


5. 38°Cを超える気温が数日間続くと、鼻咽頭に残っているコロナウイルスが消失する可能性がある。


奥山直美 How to Cure Coronavirus Colds How to Cure COVID-19 風呂がコロナを治す仕組みへ
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 奥山直美 How to Cure Coronavirus Colds How to Cure COVID-19